When I was a child, I would often go out in the backyard and sky-gaze on clear summer nights. I grew to love that feeling of the mind dissolving in rapt awe while gazing at the starry immensity above. I spent the next four decades plus, finding out about that “big feeling” in philosophy, world spirituality, psychology, music and movement, and most especially in the writings of luminaries across our world who lived and spoke from this highly actualized state of awareness. Like so many of us in this momentous time of awakening, I had experienced undeniable glimpses of this greater possibility, as a seeming veil would lift, and a more transcendent reality would shine, seeming so obvious, and infinitely more “real”, than our usual work-a-day socially constructed world. And, of course, the glimpses, came and went. These “glimpses” often leave us with a “gut” certainty, that the ordinary self-sense and it’s world is a “shadow reality”, as Plato wrote. Another facet of “emergent breaking-throughs”, as I like to call them, is that they always translate into the particular creative impulses of our lives. So it was with me. Somewhere in 8th or 9th grade, the piano and the beauty of it’s vast classical heritage woke up,and came alive for me, which was strange after years of apathetic lessons. Later, I would clearly see that music was a powerful portal to and from that “big reality”, one of the “tickets out of flatland”.
After college I married my best friend Kathy, we settled in the Berkshires of western Mass. and raised our daughter. I elected to teach classical and jazz piano privately,along with Tai-Chi and downhill skiing. This independence gave the freedom to explore the inherent potential of these portals to our awakened nature, and to cultivate a teaching expression of it,.assisting others to directly access their own actualizing potentials. This website is the result of, and the on-going ripening of, those efforts.